There has been so many exciting things that happened this week that I do not even know where to begin. Lets just start in order. The picture is of my sister, mom, and myself at a Halloween party Friday the 29th. My mom won the costume contest for most creative. She was a turkey dinner. hahahaha. Since then so many things have happened. Such a great week.
For example, Halloween was so much fun. I spent the day with my nieces and nephews, got dressed up, and went trunk n' treating with them. I cannot remember the last time I had a chance to do that with them because I am always working. After I hung out with my nieces and nephews, I hung out with my best friend Carrie and we went to Banana Bay which is a restaurant and a bar. It was so much fun! Definitely a night to remember.
On the 4th my brother had a baby girl. Her name is Madeline Serenity. I wish I could have met her already but I have a horrible cough and I do not want to get her sick. Since she has been born, I now have 3 nieces and 8 nephews and then another baby on the way, I am not sure if the baby on the way is a boy or girl. Only time will tell.
Also, on the 4th I heard from the University of Redlands women's water polo coach. I have been waiting to hear from him for almost 3 weeks and he finally got back to me. I believe we were on the phone for over a half an hour just talking about all the things the school has to offer and how I would be a great fit on the team and at the university. I am feeling great about applying there and talking to the coach, however, they do not offer athletic scholarships and I really need one in order to continue my education. I do have another school willing to give my money to play for them but I do not know what to do when my heart is somewhere else. The terrible decisions that must be made.
On the 6th it was my nephew/godson's birthday. I did not get a chance to talk to him because I had games and other things going on the entire day but I will be getting him the best present soon. On the 7th it was my nieces birthday. She is basically like my daughter. She thinks she is mine and calls me Ammie which is her word for auntie mommie. I am one of her legal guardians so it is ok that she calls me whatever she would like.
Last night I had a very interesting conversation with a coworker and it made my night. Funniest thing was we ended up going to In n Out to have a shake and to finish our conversation, and ended up staying longer than we thought because we lost track of time. Overall, great company last night and hopefully another night soon.
Once I got home, my mother received a phone call from my brother around midnight. I have not heard from or talked to my brother in over two years. Last night I got to talk to him for a little bit and realized that it has been way too long. The reason I have not talked to him is too long to explain now but stick around and I will tell all about it next time.
Until my fingers meet the keys,
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