Monday, February 25, 2013

Who goes through mood swings more, Men or Women?

I had an interesting discussion with my best friend over the weekend and for most men it’s a topic they avoid and want no part of. As for me I grew up around an open & blunt sister & friends, as a result there is nothing that a female could say that I don’t know about.

So here it is, do men or women go through more mood swings and who’s are more erratic? All (I hope all) of us know the typical time when a female has her monthly cycle is every 28 days. Most judge her being on her “period” because she may be extra moody or emotional. If you have a girlfriend or are married you definitely know what I’m talking about. Fortunately after about 3 to 7 days things start to even out & guys can come out from hiding. A study in 2008 by Pipitone and Gallup asked a group of men to identify the more attractive female by voice only. An astonishing 35% selected those who were not in the menstruating cycle. Shocking & interesting I know, but here’s the really interesting part…

Did you know that men go through more frequent hormone cycles than females’? I’m sure any guy reading this is saying, “No that is totally false!” But it is; studies have shown that men go through three main mood swings during the 24 time period based on his testosterone. Now all the women know why we guys can be so moody from one minute to the next.

During the morning hour’s male testosterone is the highest and that’s when most men are energetic, quick to become angry and is more likely to say no to a request. So for women with a boss, wait until later in the day to ask for that raise. As the afternoon rolls around (middle of the cycle) we’re [men] are mellower, and more open to work with others and communicate. But be careful we’re still upbeat and can still be a little grumpy. But by the end of the day our testosterone is at its lowest and this is when we are more likely to be passive and agreeable. So if you want a project done or looking for a raise, the end of the day is the best time to go in and get him to agree with you and say yes; don’t believe me, look it up you’ll be amazed just like my best friend was.

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." — Albert Einstein

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Morning classes or Night classes?

Early morning classes, a student’s worst nightmare, at least for a majority of us. When choosing classes, especially when it comes down to our final couple semesters the options of what times you can take a class can be limited. Either because the course or courses one needs being offered are limited, coordinating with your work schedule and for many the distance they travel to get here.

For some having a morning class is a great way to be done early and have the afternoons for homework or hang-out with friends, leaving their evenings free. Although I’m going out on the limb, I’d say a vast majority would prefer to take classes no earlier than 8:30am; but maybe that is just my opinion. How it used to be when we were young.

I often think back at how when growing up I couldn’t wait to be older and move on from elementary school. Now I feel the opposite, the days of recess and getting out of school at 2:30 or 3:00pm are gone and missed. Instead there are the early mornings, late nights of studying and for many trying to squeeze in a part-time job while going to school full-time. Not to mention finding time for family and friends.

So if one had to choose, would it be taking an early morning class at 7am or a later class around 8:30 or 9am? The sacrifices we all must make to attend college and further our education. Just know that once you’re finished it will be worth it and working full-time is a lot easier than going to school. I’ve done both and working full-time is much easier. But you need a certificate or degree to get the right job, don’t settle for just anything.

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is there a Right or Wrong way to Dealing with Problems?

What to do when things are beyond our control? Should one just crawl up in a fetal position and stay there helplessly until someone arrives to save them? Can we push through it and put up our defensive wall to protect ourselves? Or does one go and seek professional help, whether it is through the form of a counselor, medical doctor or psychiatrist? Do any or all really work?

Everyday we encounter dozens, if not hundreds of people and we all have one thing in common…problems. Everyday people across the world encounter problems, some bigger than others or even life threatening, still it is a problem that must be dealt with. As mentioned above every individual copes with life’s problems in a different way and depending on how overwhelming it is to that person; I say that person because each one of us can tolerate a different amount of stress, challenges, and hurdles life throws at us. Just because you may be able to handle more than the next person, does not make that person any weaker. Their plate is just smaller than yours or vice versa.

Instead of judging them one should see how they can help, sometimes it takes only a smile; other times one may have to get down into the grime with that person. So never tell another person that one method is better than another, unless it is a life threatening coping skill (i.e. cutting). Time and time again we see people criticize others on how they are dealing with challenging situations in their lives, which is sad. Although we may not agree with their methods, we should try to understand why they chose that particular method.

We are all unique and one form of coping with difficult times may be different for you then it is for a neighbor, classmate or friend; this does not mean we cannot help them, it simply means we should get in the mud they are in to see what we can do to help them out rather than judging their choice(s).

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands--one for helping yourself, and one for helping others" - Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Relationships...Yes or No???

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, what are your thoughts about relationships and the benefits or burdens they bring? According to researchers, good relationships are the single-most important factor in determining whether people would describe themselves as “very happy.” Researchers further state that people who are happier tend to be not only healthier, but also live longer.
But one may ask is this really true when looking at the divorce rates among couples, whether they have lived together prior to marriage or not. What are the real benefits of a relationship? Or are there any benefits? And how does one know who the right person really is, when looking at a long-term relationship?
These are all questions that run through most of our minds when dealing with relationships and whether or not they’re worth the time and energy. So what are some thoughts about relationships? What are the pros, and what are the cons?
Now for a twist, do you feel that social media has contributed to some of these issues? When one thinks about it people all over the world communicate through email, text messaging, Skype and a variety of other forms of social media. Look at internet dating, you learn about the person through a profile and picture that may or may not be current. How do we get to know each other without interacting, seeing them in person and observing body language? Or does it even matter?
Let me know your thoughts and opinions about relationships. Are they beneficial or a burden?
Until next time!
Joey McIntosh
“Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.” – Keanu Reeves

Monday, February 4, 2013

A New Semester has Come..with Extra Seats!

Welcome to the final semester for some and the very first for others! Hopefully no one got into too much trouble over our super long break; got a lot of rest and are ready to start the Spring semester. It’s for sure going to be a very fast paced and exciting semester.

There are thousands of seats still available as of the first week of school, thanks to Proposition 30 passing allowing Fullerton College to add extra classes. So be sure to check out the list of open courses at & email the instructor (i.e. John Doe = for an Add Code if the class has open seats and already started. Hey an extra class or two one can get into is one or two classes closer to transferring because many of the open seats are in courses that fit the General Education requirements of an AA, IGETC, or CSU. Even if it’s not a perfect match or a first choice, who wouldn’t want an extra course to help speed up the time needed to transfer?

As the hustle and bustle of the first week of the semester comes to an end and we all fall back into the rhythm of college life, it’s great to see so many familiar faces. It is those we meet along the way, which makes life so much fun, enjoyable, and adventurous.  Every once in a while I enjoy taking a moment to reflect upon those who have made an impact in my life, positive or negative because no matter which one they caused, it changed and made me who I am today. Never take for granted the acquaintances, friends and loved ones who surround you…each one plays a special role in your life.

Now go enjoy time with your friends and make the final part of the first week of the Spring 2013 semester the best ever!

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

"Of all the things which wisdom provides to make life entirely happy, much the greatest is the possession of friendship" – Epicurus Epicurus