Saturday, September 29, 2012

Better late than never...Have a GREAT weekend!

The weekend is finally here!!! I hope for most of you that you have a great weekend. I know I will because tonight I’ll be going with a group from FC to Universal Studios Haunt...although homework first, right??? ;-)

It’s been a fun and eventful week, Thursday the Associated Students and Inter-Club Council hosted the Student Center Open House; which allowed students to play all the games in the Student Center (Room 214, next to Cadena Transfer Center) for free and snacks were also provided throughout the day. Hopefully you were able to stop by and get a glimpse of what there is to do on campus if you ever need a break from the day-to-day routine.

Something interesting I learned during my Thursday night Speech 105 (Interpersonal Communications) class, I thought I would share, was that it is not appropriate to jump to conclusions or assume anything.  There is a way to talk to someone (family, friend, significant other, co-worker, etc.) without making general assumptions and using accusatory wording, such as “you”, “always” or “constantly”, etc. to help prevent that individual from becoming defensive and feeling attacked.

There are three easy steps to follow that will enable a person to communicate without causing conflict.
  • Make an objective description of the behavior being displayed by the individual
  • Provide them with your interpretation of the behavior that was observed or heard by you/me. Make sure that one point of your/my interpretation that took place is positive, try to avoid negative statements.
  • Ask the person if your interpretation was correct or if you/me misunderstood what was said or took place.

Try this on someone this week and see if it helps prevent the usual response from them. But for now it’s time for me to get ready for my fun and exciting night at Universal Studios!

Until next time!


“Communication. It’s the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking, the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need.” – Meredith Grey

Monday, September 24, 2012

We are all unique

Well the first day of autumn was Saturday, but based upon the weather we are having it feels more like the middle of summer! And according to the weather channel, it’s only going to get hotter; supposedly close to 100 degrees on Friday. So keep that bottle of water, or for me an extra large Diet Coke, to keep hydrated and I have to admit it is a shame that the quad won’t be open to take advantage of all the new shade and grass. What are your thoughts on the new design of the quad? There are still a few additions, such as benches in the circular area where the new trees are, but do you truly like the new look?

On another note, I would like to wish a happy Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) to all of those who celebrate and take part in this special day. I think this is one of the beauties and amazing part of, not just America, but Fullerton College; knowing there are students from all walks of life, backgrounds and beliefs, yet they socialize with one another without hesitation. I’m not a very religious person, yet I recognize and respect those who believe in their religion. That is what makes each one of us so unique and special, although similar to others we are each our own individual. No one else is like you, me, a friend or classmate, yet we learn and know how to interact with each other with respect.

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.” – Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Friday, September 21, 2012

The weekend has finally arrived and what better way to start it off then to witness history! I had the opportunity along with fellow students, faculty and administrators to watch the fly over and final flight of the space shuttle as it passed over Disneyland. Just to watch it pass in the distance, despite the haze, was surreal.

Sometimes I know for myself, that I often take for granted or fail to realize the events that have taken place during my lifetime that have forever changed history and the next generation will only read about and not experience. This being one of them, the World Trade Center attack on America; which when I look at my 6 year old niece and 18 month old nephew think that they will never realize the magnitude and full effect on how it forever changed America. Yes, they will read about it, but actually being a part of history is something I feel many take for granted or do not realize that one day future generations will be reading about us in text books like we did with the Civil War, World War I and II.

On another note I recently found out that individuals can now register to vote online instead of the old fashioned paper version! Who knew that voter registration would ever catch up to the 21st century. So if anyone is interested and would like to register online and not be annoyed by the voter registration people, give it a try at

And don’t forget that you can now purchase Knott’s Scary Farm and Universal Studios Haunt tickets in the Student Affairs office, room 223 (above the cafeteria) for a discount if you have your current A.S. Benefits. Prices vary based on the day, so be sure to stop by and check them out and our haunted office!

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for President and 50 to be Miss America?” – Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Defining Free Speech...What is It???

What is free speech? How far can one go with their words and what is said before it crosses that invisible line? And furthermore, who decides when that line has been crossed? Recently in trying to help an individual out with a service, they did not like my response and that I would have to verify with a supervisor about the situation. The person proceeded to say some things that I cannot repeat here, however, it turned out that although this person caused the issue a complaint was filed against me. And they may receive assistance despite their actions. Odd I know, and so when it raised a question to me as to when do you defend yourself versus just being a doormat so to speak when being yelled and cursed at?
I’ve been told by some that you just need to have tough skin because of your position and people will try to say things just to get a reaction out of you. Others have told me that I need to use a resolution conflict approach and reach out to them, gain an understanding of what is really causing them to react in such a manner. Which is the right approach? Does one base it on how aggressive an individual is or the specific comments made or should there be a blanket guideline? How would you respond to someone cursing at you because they did not meet the required guidelines, and then find out that they will more than likely receive that service despite how they treated an individual? And knowing had a response similar to the one given be done, the person in the position who was trying to provide help would receive more of a reprimand than the instigator. Is this considered fair and a proper representation of free speech; which is supposed to be equal to all?
Until next time!
Joey McIntosh
“In terms of free speech, there are questions…” – Dagens Nyheter

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Monday! And let us not Forget 9/11...

Happy Monday everyone! I don’t know about you but the weekend seemed to go by super fast. Feels like it was just Friday; and hopefully some of you were able to do more homework than I was. For many of you who struggle to balance everything I sympathize, it’s a challenge especially when taking online classes. I always forget when assignments are due! Thank goodness for my smart phone and reminders, otherwise it would be disastrous! LOL!! But now it’s back to classes and the hectic daily schedules, although I can hardly believe we are in our third week of the semester; but this is a good thing because it means we are about a quarter of the way through the semester!

Coming up in the next couple of weeks will be our Constitution Day and NiteLife events to celebrate the U.S. Constitution day. There will be free food for students with the A.S. Benefits validation and a reduced rate for those who do not. But the A.S. NiteLife event will be free for all students and on top of all this excitement will be elections for students who are interested in becoming A.S. Senators and involved in student government. If you are interested there is still time to get an application, they are available in bldg. 200 in either room 222 or 223, but they must be completed by 2pm this Tuesday, September 11. It is a lot of fun and one of the ways I first became involved at Fullerton College, there is so much you can learn and apply to a future career.

I would also like to recognize all of our Police, Sheriffs, Firemen, Paramedics, Rescue personnel, Reserve and Full-time Military (Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force) and Federal law enforcement for everything they do day in and day out to ensure America is protected. In addition to paying respects to the men and women who lost their lives 11 years ago on September 11, 2001 during the attacks on the World Trade center towers, and our military personnel that have given the ultimate sacrifice since then, so we can remain and enjoy the freedom that is often taken for granted. Let us never forget that tragic day which forever changed America and our history, nor the unity that took place which America showed during the months that followed. God Bless America! <3

So what topics interest you? I’d like to hear what is going on with students on campus and the topics you would like me to talk about more or answer questions you have. Feel free to write a comment and I will respond to it in my next blog, which I am getting on a schedule of posting them every Monday and Thursday. Or if you feel more comfortable, email me at with your suggestions or questions and that way it can remain anonymous. I can’t wait to hear from my fellow students and find out what I can do to make these blogs more interesting! 

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“His first priority is to gain the respect and confidence and trust of his colleagues.”

Friday, September 7, 2012

A little bit of everything :D

What a week! It was so good to have a three day weekend; I wish we had them more often. I hope everyone survived their second week of classes and if you were trying to add one that you were successful. It has been a very busy and eventful week for me and this 16 week calendar is making things interesting and challenging both. But overall the semester has been great! Meeting all of the new students on campus is such a great thing especially because there have been so many course reductions over the past few years. I’d love to hear how everyone is enjoying or not enjoying their classes.

I have one instructor, Jack Mierop, for my Speech 105 Interpersonal Communications class that is amazing! If anyone needs to take a speech class (he teaches several) I would highly recommend him. Time goes by so quickly in class that I actually wish it was longer. He is probably in my top three best instructors of all time.

There are always the challenges that students like us will face such as balancing our schedules with work, classes, family, friends, and the dreaded homework that some professors give us like we have no lives outside of school. And personal situations that cause some students to make difficult decisions. I have been faced with some very challenging situations that have come my way recently that have in a sense forced me to re-evaluate some areas of my life and re-prioritize. These are never easy decisions to make and I am fortunate to have a best friend who is there to not only give advice, but listen to what is going on in a sincere way. We must make decisions that are in the best interest for us individually and not for others; which can sometimes be the hardest decisions to make. So I encourage students who may be facing situations that require a decision that may feel impossible to make, be sure to put yourself and future first. Never give up or let others be a roadblock to your success.

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t” – Erica Mann Jong

Monday, September 3, 2012

Is it Ever Okay to Omit the Truth or Tell a Lie?

Is telling the truth always the best thing to do? Or are there times when one should keep the truth from them, even if it’s meant to help someone? Recently I had an incident where I told a friend, in a very direct manner, the truth about a situation and well, it didn’t go so well. It was meant to help this person to resolve a situation they were facing, but instead they ended up being upset with me for telling them. Which is why I ask the question, “Is telling the truth always the best thing to do?” even if it causes the person you are telling to get upset with you. People say the truth will set you free, but it seems to get me in trouble more often than not. I feel guilty and regret saying anything to this friend, even though it was meant to help.

Some say that to preserve a relationship it is necessary to omit certain facts or details and even on occasion lie. Others believe that telling the truth is the only way to go if you truly care about the person you are telling it to and can help determine the trueness of a friendship or relationship. And that one should never try to justify omitting or lying to a friend just because of not wanting to upset or anger them.

What do you think? Should you always tell a friend the truth or are there times when omitting certain details or lying is acceptable?

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“But what is the good of friendship if one cannot say exactly what one means? Anybody can say charming things and try to please and to flatter, but a true friend always says unpleasant things, and does not mind giving pain. Indeed, if he is a really true friend he prefers it, for he knows that then he is doing good.” – Oscar Wilde

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Do you agree or disagree?

Happy Saturday! Hopefully everyone had a great first week of school and survived. What better way to end it then with a 3 day weekend, well for most of us anyway. This is going to be an interesting year for both students and faculty alike because we have switched from our traditional 18 week calendar to a 16 week schedule. I’m not sure if ending earlier is better or worse, what are your thoughts about the new 16 week calendar? 

Some updates on what has been happening in Sacramento with a bill that the state Student Senate for California Community Colleges has been advocating for over the past 18 months, the Middle Class Scholarship Act (MCS). This bill was voted on around 1:00am this morning; generally bills are not voted on after midnight on August 31 since that is when their session ends, but due to the urgency and it requiring a 2/3 vote that allowed for an exception. A little background on the MCS, it was a bill designed to close the $1 billion a year tax loophole that allows out of state corporations to pay a lesser tax amount than businesses within California and the $1 billion it would bring back to California was to be allocated specifically for higher education. This bill would have reduced the cost of a student’s tuition to a UC or CSU by two-thirds if their parent’s income was $150,000 or less per year. Not to mention it would have provided the community college system $150 million annually to offset the budget cuts. This was all written in black and white, passed through the state Assembly, Senate Finance committee, but unfortunately failed to pass through the state Senate. It is a sad day to hear that this bill, that would have helped thousands of students at all levels of higher education, failed because Republicans felt larger businesses were more important than students being able to afford a college education.

There is a list of several Republican Senators who did not support this bill and allowed for it to fail, which I will pass along in a later post so you can call their offices and express your disappointment. The Student Senate for California Community Colleges, which represents the nearly 2.6 million community college students throughout California, will not be giving up. Now more then ever we need students like you and me to step up and let these Senators know education should be a higher priority than businesses and that without educated people there will be no future businesses. I encourage you to ask the Associated Students of Fullerton College to advocate and support the SSCCC in this fight for an affordable education. The 18-25 year old population is one of the largest groups that can make an impact, but also the largest who fail to vote during elections. There are two Propositions that will be on this year’s ballot that students need to be sure and support if they do not want to see drastic cuts to education. I will talk more about these bills in a future post because if one of them fails, it may destroy the California Community College system and cause some smaller colleges to shut their doors for good. 

Students can make a change and we must stand up and make that change, but not by protesting, rather going to the voting polls and let our elected officials know education is a priority and we will not sit back and allow future cuts to take place. This is our time and our future! Let us unite and show them we are not passive, but fighters who will not let legislature take away what belongs to us…an affordable and quality education!

Until next time!

Joey McIntosh

“One of the most powerful tools for empowering individuals and communities is making certain that any individual who wants to receive a quality education can do so” – Christine Gregorie