It’s been almost a month since school started and I’m still not quite back in the rhythm of tests and deadlines. My brain is still on summer break and lying out by the pool… well ok I don’t have a pool but I was definitely there every day in my mind.
Hey you freshmen, welcome! How’s your first month in college so far? I hear it was a nightmare to register for classes. That’s an experience in its own! I hope it didn't scare you away completely.
For me once again it’s the dreaded math course looming over head. Then there’s my first love, reporting for The Hornet. And of course blogging, yeah! Oh before I forget, my lovely desk job which makes it possible for me to be here at Fullerton. Three cheers for the desk job! If it weren’t for you… well frankly I would be at the beach soaking up the hot sun. But that’s beside the point.
Actually I’m happy to be back and one step closer to graduation. Although I’m taking a mere two classes this time around; I still have my hands full with projects and taking care of my household.
This summer brought on a few challenges but also some wonderful surprises. My husband and I have a new addition to the family, our puppy Harlee. She’s six months now and FULL of energy! If I would have known what I know now about Boxers I would have opted for a gold fish. Anyone own a Boxer? Yeah you know what I’m talking about then. I swear that dog will eat, chew and pee on anything! I have a strange feeling my blogging this semester will resemble that of the columns which the guy wrote in the movie Marley and Me… yeah strictly puppy talk comin’ right atcha.
If you haven’t seen the movie, rent it and then you will know what it’s like to own a Boxer. Although the dog Marley wasn’t a Boxer, it sure as hell acts like one.
But don’t get me wrong Harlee is the cutest, sweetest, dumbest dog and only a mom could love her. Too bad I’m not her mom. Just teasing I love her and she’s a great addition to the family.
So any advice/stories the Boxer owners may have to offer is welcomed, don't be shy, please.
And now the awww moment… a picture of the demon herself with my other dog Summer.

Stay classy FC,
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