Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spring Ahead!

Today is Tuesday, the day before the spring semester begins. It is the day before we all put our “thinking caps” on and dive deep into our studies - the last hurrah if you will. For you freshman this is your second semester and it’s full of promise and excitement. You’re taking your general education classes and looking forward to the one elective class where you can relax your mind and be submersed in a subject which truly interests you. For those of you, like me, you’re looking forward to tackling your major with full force. We’re heading towards our goals, dreams, and aspirations with wide eyes. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten those of you who can see the finish line. This is your final stretch towards the ultimate accomplishment – graduation!

Hey there FC student body! My name is Janet Garcia and I’m looking forward to sharing my spring semester with you. Just a quick background about me… I recently got married in 2009 to my best friend. After seven years of dating we eloped to Vegas. Sorry to disappoint but Elvis did not walk me down the aisle - although it was an option.

In November we bought our first house here in Fullerton. We searched for almost two years, went through three different escrows and too many disappointments to count. It single handedly was the most stressful experience of my life. Correction it was pure agony. But in the end we were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to become homeowners. Did I mention it’s the first time my husband and I have ever lived on our own? Oh yeah, that’s another story…we’ve always lived with our parents. So this is a WHOLE new experience for us.

But enough of that mumbo jumbo…let’s get back to the school business. I’m a full time [night] student and work full time during the day. My days are long and tiring sometimes. I’m sure some of you can completely relate and agree life as a student is never short of interesting. After many years here at Full Coll and five different majors I finally decided on one. Ding! Ding! And the winner is Journalism! I love to write. It's fun, creative, thought provoking and most of all its informative when done right. I’m in my second semester and can’t wait to see what comes next and share it with all of you.

I hope you will join me for the journey. I also hope you share your experiences with me this semester. I want to hear it all, don’t leave anything out! Because these are the best days of our lives. Never mind what our parents said about high school being the best days. This is when we expand our minds and become adults.

I wish you all an awesome first day tomorrow! It’s the start to endless possibilities. Good luck!

Stay classy FC,

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