I learned quite a lot from my vacations over winter break.
In the case of the Dominican Republic, I saw a lot of things that I've read
about or learned in previous history and urban planning classes put into
I think it's incredibly important to travel if you can
afford to, for a multitude of reasons. It's somewhat more important, though, to
consider what your money is going to when you do travel. I think I mentioned
this in my post on Ender's Game (and
if I didn't-- just pretend, shh), but when you put your money towards something--
a company, a book, a hotel, a film studio, or really anything else-- you are
choosing to support it and whatever goes into it, whether or not you're
conscious of or even okay with that. For this reason, where you stay during
your travels can matter quite a bit.
Hotels in general seem to have a reputation for underpaying
and overworking their staff. This is something to keep in mind and investigate
regardless of where you go. Sometimes it can't be helped-- but it's just
something to be aware of. However, it's especially important to be mindful of
where you choose to stay in developing countries. Many countries have an
economy based primarily on tourism-- this isn't necessarily a bad thing as it
definitely does create jobs, except that:
a) many hotels are foreign-owned and therefore primarily
benefit the foreign owners,
b) native residents of the country trying to find a job often have no choice but to work in tourism, which brings me
back to the whole hotels have a
reputation for underpaying/overworking their staff thing,
c) hotels drive property values up, and if native residents are working in the
tourism industry for little pay, they often can't those higher property values,
d) tourism has a tendency to promote an appropriation/distortion of that
country's culture for profit, and
e) large tourist industries tend to beget mass negative environmental
A perfect example of this-- despite that it's a part of the
United States-- is Hawaii.
The article I've linked just sort of scratches the surface, but googling
"impact of tourism on Hawaii" (or probably any other country google
suggests) will likely fill you in.
So if you're uncomfortable with unwittingly supporting such
an economic chain of events, I offer some suggestions:
hotels! They're not always honest about their treatment of their staff and
their impacts on the environment, but it's still good to look into.
As far as I know, they tend to be locally-owned and have a lower environmental
impact, researching individuals hostels' policies is also necessary.
about where you're going. I mean, I just think that's fun to do in general,
but I'm also a history nerd. But knowing the history of the place you're
staying it helps to provide context for what impacts you might unwittingly
actually aren't as okay as they sound. Research is necessary here as well,
but ecotourism, though it sounds like
an environmentally-friendly alternative to regular tourism, often involves
facilities that the natural environment can't support.
Steer clear
of culture-related tourist traps. That's part of the
profiting-from-distorted-foreign-cultures thing. And, though I would hope it
would go without saying,
NO SLUM TOURS. The wikipedia page sums
up the problem with this, if it wasn't evident.
It is, of course, your prerogative to visit wherever and do
whatever you want, but I think the problem is that a lot of people just don't know what kind of impact their choices
(and, namely, money) make on other countries. I certainly didn't know until I
took a class that addressed the subject. But now that I am aware, I feel like
it's my responsibility to at least be mindful of what exactly I choose to give my money/support to.
Stay classy,